Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Velvet Elvis

It was difficult to find a visible copy of this book on the web as it is white...all white except for the title and author's name. But to be totally honest with you, this book needs no fancy cover because it is awesome inside.
As I told you before I ususally read two books at a time and the fiction I'm reading is a little thick so it's taking me a little more time than this gem did. But then again,by Rob Bell is so good that you have to savor each chapter...you just don't want to forget what he said or confuse it with the next chapter's message.
Rob Bell is a Pastor at the Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His message on the Christian faith is so down to earth and so simple and filled with so much joy that you just don't want the book to end. He mixes a little Jewish history, throws in a dash of humor and a big cup of the Christian faith, Rob Bell style, leaving you wanting more. He truly has you look at a Christ- filled life in a completely different way.
For instance, our pastor, based one of his Sunday sermon's on the first chapter of this book, entitled "Jump"....and believe it or not, he actually had a trampoline there and jumped on it....it was great...Rob Bell would have loved it!! It was joyful, it was funny and, believe me, I think everyone walked away with a great message that Sunday.
And that's how Rob Bell writes.....he's full of joy, he's funny and you walk away with one great message about the Christian faith! Check out a excerpt on amazon.com...and enjoy!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Letters from a Skeptic

I don't know about you, but I like to read a couple of books at one time. Usually I do a non-fiction and a fiction depending on my mood any part of the day. This one I'm not entirely finished with but I'm going to review it now as I'm thinking it will only get better and better.
The book is written by Dr. Gregory Boyd a husband and father, and his father, a gentleman in his, I believe, 70's. Dr. Boyd, the younger, a once unbeliever, went on to study and teach theology and become a believer in Christ. His father does not believe thus the "older" Boyd is the skeptic. The letters are written back and forth between father and son with the father asking various questions about God and the son answering. The father's questions are posed rather simply but at times the son gets a little deep in his answers....never fear tho, the father says exactly what I would have said and tells his son he is getting a little too technical and to put his explanations in simple language...I love that part....and he does. The questions the father asks are very simple everyday questions such as "why does God let bad things happen?", etc. By the end of the book and through the letters, the father becomes a believer. This is a true story and the letters are real...maybe just a little re-worded for better understanding to the reader. It's a fairly quick read and great no matter where you are in your beliefs.
This is yet another in a list of books my Pastor plans on loaning me for my personal edification as I requested from him....and, like "What's So Amazing About Grace" I definately plan on getting this one for my own library....definately a re-reader! Till next time....

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Bubbles Unbound.....

If you have never read a Bubbles book, you truly don't know what you are missing! Mystery and comedy rolled up in one great big ball of fun!!! I stumbled on Sarah Strohmeyer's "Bubble" series after reading a article in our local paper...seems she was going to be at a local mystery book store and I believe, if memory serves me correct, she grew up somewhere in Pennsylvania. I love to read books where the scene is in my home state or even very near me and this is where the setting begins....beautiful Lehigh Pennsylvania...well, maybe across the state from me but still in good ole PA. Bubbles Yablonsky (Polish no doubt....another reason I love her so much!) is this crazy blonde hairdresser, dressed in her hot pants and tube top, and a recent graduate of Two Guys community college, who loves to solve murder mysteries....of course her hair must be done and she can't break a nail....ya gotta love her!!! She's sorta like the Lucille Ball of mysteries. Being her and I are both of the same or close to the same background, so many things that go on with her crazy relatives I can identify with....except for the shoplifting mother...that's another story! So so much fun! Trust me, you will never cry when reading a Bubbles book.....but you will laugh out loud! Each book is a mystery in itself while at the same time she has her own little romance thing going on with photographer, Steve Stilletto. You don't have to go in the series as the author always gives you some background in each book. So, if you are ready for a light funny...make that hilarious read.....take Bubbles for a spin.....you'll never know where you might end up!

Monday, July 30, 2007

What's So Amazing About Grace?

As I've told you, I read everything....and I also like to jump around from easy reading to a little more intense reading. This book was leaning towards intense...it really makes you think about what you are reading. Unfortunately, it wasn't my book and belongs to my Pastor otherwise I would have been highlighting alot of parts in it. Instead, I wrote them down for future reference.

So, What Is So Amazing About Grace?....remember the song, "Amazing Grace, How Sweet The Sound, That Saved A Wretch Like Me..."? After reading this book, you realize the domino effect of Grace...the power of Grace to literally change people and countries as well as to save lives. You realize the power of forgiveness and of love for our enemies. You see how truly truly incredible some people from our past were.....people like Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa. You understand the differences between grace and ungrace. It's the type of book you really have to savor....chew slowly! It literally can change your way of thinking and treating your fellow neighbor...I know that I definately think different now. It's the type of book that will really get you thinking and has the potential of bringing alot of peace into your life. It's definately worth the read.

Let me end with just one of the many wonderful quotes that really helped me put into perspective the word "Grace"..."Man is broken...he lives by mending...the Grace of God is glue." --Eugene O'Neil

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dinner with a Perfect Stranger

My first official review. Here goes...I love this book! This is one of those books I don't plan on putting on Paperback Swap. It's definately one I will keep along with my signed copy of Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes. It's also an extremely short read.

It's a simple story line where a man, in his hurried livestyle, gets an invitation in the mail for dinner to an Italian restaurant with "Jesus of Nazareth" or so the invite says. He debates whether to go but ends up going thinking it's his crazy friends out to play a trick on him. What ensues to a conversation with a someone who says he is Jesus...you can decide whether he is or not. The conversation is in chapters like a dinner...appetizer, dessert, etc.... It's funny yet says alot. I got so into this book that I just wanted to sit right with them both and ask my questions....I loved it! It's light, it's fun, it makes you think. I ordered another in this series called A Day with a Perfect Stranger...can't wait to read that one.

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for all your comments on my new blog and I like your idea, Andi, on a read along....we'll definately have to try to work that one out.

Ok, till next time!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

First Review....

This first review is not really a review but a recommendation. I guess you really have to read books alot to get any benefit out of this since it's a book diary of sorts. I love it! If you're like me, you can never remember what you read, when you read it, who you loaned what book to who, etc.... Well, this keeps that in order. I'm sorta a compulsive order person, so this is right up my alley. You can list your books by subject, title, author. There are sections for books on your wish list, books you want in your library forever, who you borrowed from and when, and a few other book details for your personal records. I even keep it in my purse for when I'm at a bookstore.
After writing in it, I realized just how many books I've already read...I was really astounded as I don't consider myself as big a reader as some....tho I'm trying to be, trust me.
So, look this book up...Amazon will give you a little inside peek at it too. I got it used from Amazon for a few dollars. This would make a great gift for that reader in your life also. Well, that's it for now...till next time!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My First Attempt....

I love books! I've always loved books ever since I was old enough to go to the library alone some 40 years ago. I love the smell of library books. I love the smell of a book store with the aroma of coffee in the background. I love to feel a book both new and old....turn the pages to see what I'm missing at that very moment. I love bookmarks.....holding my place in time till I can return to that world again. I wanted my child to read books....unfortunately that only lasted till his high school days...but that's okay, because he got a good start.....from the moment he entered his life, he heard the sing-song sounds of Dr. Suess. I love to peek at the cover of what people are reading in a restaurant, at the beach, anywhere. I only wish I had more time to read. I own alot of books...I've read alot of books.....and I'll read just about any book suggested or found. Now, I guess I want to share with whomever will read this blog, my particularly take on a book, from romance to comedy, fiction to non-fiction, intense to simple....and hopefully you will share something with me. So with that said....lets's get started. You can be one "bookend" and I'll be the other......we'll hold up all the books in the universe for the bindings to be seen by anyone who wants to read and enjoy....welcome to my world of books!