This first review is not really a review but a recommendation. I guess you really have to read books alot to get any benefit out of this since it's a book diary of sorts. I love it! If you're like me, you can never remember what you read, when you read it, who you loaned what book to who, etc.... Well, this keeps that in order. I'm sorta a compulsive order person, so this is right up my alley. You can list your books by subject, title, author. There are sections for books on your wish list, books you want in your library forever, who you borrowed from and when, and a few other book details for your personal records. I even keep it in my purse for when I'm at a bookstore.
After writing in it, I realized just how many books I've already read...I was really astounded as I don't consider myself as big a reader as some....tho I'm trying to be, trust me.
So, look this book up...Amazon will give you a little inside peek at it too. I got it used from Amazon for a few dollars. This would make a great gift for that reader in your life also. Well, that's it for now...till next time!
Hmm, good idea to keep track of what you've read. I've found myself reading a book a second time because when I read the jacket cover it sounded interesting only to discover once I got into the story that I'd read it! Ugh, the perks of age, LOL!
I'm currently rereading the Harry Potter series before I start on book 7. I figure there are too many details that I've forgotten to really appreciate the 7th book unless I reread the series. I finished book 1 last night. On to number 2 . . .
Got you on my bloglines, Lucy! Thanks for the recommendation - I read quite a bit and also forget what I've already read! LOL
very cool. When you make your next selection post it first let us know title author etc. Maybe we can have a read along.
I make lists when I'm at a bookstore too, there are so many wonderful books out there without it I'd never remember all the ones I find I want to read.
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