The book is written by Dr. Gregory Boyd a husband and father, and his father, a gentleman in his, I believe, 70's. Dr. Boyd, the younger, a once unbeliever, went on to study and teach theology and become a believer in Christ. His father does not believe thus the "older" Boyd is the skeptic. The letters are written back and forth between father and son with the father asking various questions about God and the son answering. The father's questions are posed rather simply but at times the son gets a little deep in his answers....never fear tho, the father says exactly what I would have said and tells his son he is getting a little too technical and to put his explanations in simple language...I love that part....and he does. The questions the father asks are very simple everyday questions such as "why does God let bad things happen?", etc. By the end of the book and through the letters, the father becomes a believer. This is a true story and the letters are real...maybe just a little re-worded for better understanding to the reader. It's a fairly quick read and great no matter where you are in your beliefs.
This is yet another in a list of books my Pastor plans on loaning me for my personal edification as I requested from him....and, like "What's So Amazing About Grace" I definately plan on getting this one for my own library....definately a re-reader! Till next time....
1 comment:
I belonged to a small group a few years ago and we read this book. It was quite good.
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