Monday, July 30, 2007

What's So Amazing About Grace?

As I've told you, I read everything....and I also like to jump around from easy reading to a little more intense reading. This book was leaning towards really makes you think about what you are reading. Unfortunately, it wasn't my book and belongs to my Pastor otherwise I would have been highlighting alot of parts in it. Instead, I wrote them down for future reference.

So, What Is So Amazing About Grace?....remember the song, "Amazing Grace, How Sweet The Sound, That Saved A Wretch Like Me..."? After reading this book, you realize the domino effect of Grace...the power of Grace to literally change people and countries as well as to save lives. You realize the power of forgiveness and of love for our enemies. You see how truly truly incredible some people from our past were.....people like Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa. You understand the differences between grace and ungrace. It's the type of book you really have to savor....chew slowly! It literally can change your way of thinking and treating your fellow neighbor...I know that I definately think different now. It's the type of book that will really get you thinking and has the potential of bringing alot of peace into your life. It's definately worth the read.

Let me end with just one of the many wonderful quotes that really helped me put into perspective the word "Grace"..."Man is broken...he lives by mending...the Grace of God is glue." --Eugene O'Neil


stitcherw said...

Nice write up, and I loved the quote.

Anonymous said...

I imagine in many cases it would be "'Super' God Glue".